Mr. Waleid GamaleldienChairman

Mr. Waleid GamaleldienChairman

Lieutenant General Engineer. Kamel ElwazirVice prime minister and Minister of Transport, Trade & Industry

Dr. Rania Al-MashatMinister of Planning & International cooperation

Dr. Mahmoud EssmatMinister of Electricity and Renewable Energy

Eng. Sherif ElsherbinyMinister of Housing , Utilities & Urban communities

Dr. Hassan Al-KhateebMinister of Investment and Foreign trade

Eng. Karim BadawiMinister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Major General. Moheb HabashyGovernor of Port Said

Major General. Tarek El-ShazlyGovernor of Suez

Major General. Akram GalalGovernor of Ismailia

Major General. Amir Sayed AhmedPresident Consultant for Urban planning

Major General Engineer. Ahmed Al-AzaziRepresentative of Ministry of Defense

Captain. Ahmed GamalVice Chairman of SCZONE for South Sector

Rear Admiral. Mohamed AhmedVice Chairman of SCZONE for North Sector

Dr. Mohamed Abd Elgawad AllamVice Chairman of SCZONE for Investment and Promotion

Eng. Sabah MashalyVice minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy

Dr. Mahmoud MomtazHead of the Competition Protection and Prevention of Monopolistic Practices Agency

Eng. Mohamed Zaki ElsewedyExecutive director - Federation of Egyptian Industries.

Mr. Aiman Al Tayeb SolimanManaging Partner - Morpho Investments LLC

Mr. Hossam HeibaExecutive Director for Investment and free Zones authority